Conservative Care Options Before Considering Surgery
As we age and our bodies slow down, we generally become more susceptible to injury. Surgery is often the first option for many who suffer from hip, shoulder, back and leg pain. However, surgery isn’t always necessary and not in the patient’s best interest when weighed against other available options, including conservative measures.
Conservative treatments utilize holistic and integrative solutions before considering surgery as an option. Treatments often range from medications and physical therapy to more advanced methods, including regenerative medicine.
Benefits of conservative care
Unfortunately, many people undergo invasive surgeries when they aren’t required. Surgery isn’t always the answer, and conservative treatment can be just as effective for both patient outcomes and recovery time depending on the condition.
Conservative care provides several benefits, including:
– Eliminating the need for surgery
– Quicker recovery time compared to a surgical procedure
– Less expensive than surgery
– A non-invasive approach that carries less risk than a surgical procedure
Conservative care options
Drug therapy is one of the most common medical treatments for acute and chronic pain. The first-line pharmacologic agent for the symptomatic treatment of mild to moderate pain is acetaminophen or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as aspirin or ibuprofen. Such medications can help with temporary relief of discomfort, reduction of inflammation and relaxation of muscle spasms.
Physical therapy
Physical therapy is a conservative, non-invasive treatment option that can be extremely effective. Patients at the early stages of injury benefit the most from physical therapy. Physical therapy offers relief to get back to your regular routine and help slow the progression of deteriorating diseases.
Osteoarthritis (OA) is one of the most common forms of arthritis that occurs when the protective cartilage that cushions the end of your bones wears down over time. People with osteoarthritis often experience pain, stiffness, tenderness, swelling and reduced movement anywhere throughout their bodies. Physical therapy can help by strengthening the muscles around the joints, making them more flexible and stable.
Weight management
Obesity presents serious public health concerns in our society, and accumulating evidence has strongly suggested that chronic conditions and obesity are significantly related to each other. Increased mechanical stresses on the body in obesity are believed to result in an increased risk of musculoskeletal and joint pain. By reducing excess weight, you are putting less stress on your entire body, which can result in healthier physical function.
Heat/ice therapy
Heat and ice therapy can be beneficial for relieving pain associated with many debilitating conditions. Heat therapy works by improving circulation and blood flow to a particular area due to increased temperature. This can help relax and soothe muscles, as well as heal damaged tissue. Cold therapy works by reducing blood flow to a particular area, which can reduce inflammation and swelling.
Regenerative medicine
Regenerative medicine is also a non-invasive or minimally invasive option that can help patients heal faster without surgery. New Life’s regenerative products contain the natural healing ingredients found in birth tissues, including collagens, proteins, growth factors, extracellular matrix, amino acids and more. Regenerative medicine injections help target damaged tissue and deliver healing growth factors precisely where they will be most effective.
Regenerative medicine may assist the biological processes that enable the body to regenerate itself. New Life Regenerative Medicine offers a variety of products for pain management. Learn more about regenerative medicine by visiting https://www.newliferegen.com/contact/.